Synergy in Structure

The Operational Blueprint of Lorraine Station

Lorraine has a management structure where the Livestock and Farm operate independently as well as assisting each other when time, personnel and equipment allow.

Michael & Hannah Crisp have managed Lorraine since 2004 and direct business activities.

Our Livestock business is led by Cody and Zali Malone, we currently operate with a full time seasonal team of 8 stock people, a boreman, a machine operator, a cook, bookkeeper and gardener/household help plus a contract mustering team of 8 for around 8 weeks each year.

We also get assistance from various businesses to handle mechanical maintenance and breakdowns, structural improvements including fencing, yards, buildings and earthworks.

Our Farm business is led by Lachlan Murray and Sarah Svensen with a full time seasonal team of 2 plus a governess, also contract services for cotton picking, mechanical maintenance and repairs and earthworks.

Management Team